Frisco Beat: Remembering the Past

Brian Wallace tossed me another link that may be of interest to San Francisco history buffs — with most of the history really early stuff, barely making it into the 1920s.

And it’s in cartoon format.

But good cartooning, like R. Crumb.

Albert Tolf was the inkslinger in the late 1950s who knocked out a series of historical panels — enough to fill up the book This Was San Francisco. Check out the scanned and spruced up look into the past on Ron Henggeler’s webpage. Lots of info on street cars, cable cars, horse-drawn cars, amusement parks (including Buffalo Bill setting up his Wild West Show at 11th and Market), the proto-city around Portsmouth Square. I could go on, but you can breeze merrily through if you want to surf over and check it out.

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